The EXPERIMINTA ScienceCenter earns most of its income from visitors. We are proud of this. However, the non-profit operation of the hands-on museum cannot be maintained without further financial support. We are therefore dependent on your support.
We appreciate every donation - no matter whether it's a small or large amount. You can support us without a specific purpose of donation or dedicate your donation to a specific project. Any support is welcome. Your donation is tax deductible.
We would also be happy to advise you on event donations. For example, you have a birthday, are celebrating a company anniversary or are inviting guests to Christmas dinner and want to do without gifts and instead ask your guests for a donation for EXPERIMINTA? This is of course possible. Just send us a message to
If you would even like to support us on a regular basis, membership in our Friends' Association is just the thing for you.
You can transfer one-off donations to our donations account:
Frankfurter Sparkasse
IBAN: DE60 5005 0201 1247 3650 32
Many thanks for your support!
Our donators
Many institutional donators regularly support EXPERIMINTA - with large donations as well as with smaller amounts, which we accept just as gratefully. We are currently supported in particular by the following donators:
Our partners
In addition to financial support, professional exchange and joint work on projects with various partners is also important to us. Currently we would like to thank the following partners in particular: